Harsh Kapadia

Harsh Kapadia

Software Engineer

Harsh Kapadia


I am Harsh Kapadia (he/him), a Software Engineer currently based in Austin, TX, USA. I am interested in the Web, exploring the internals of tools and technologies, and communities.

I have been enjoying building software tools and learning more about servers at my current role at AMD, while trying to lead a more disciplined and balanced life.

I like building projects, and talking and writing about my learnings.

I started Our Tech Community (OTC) in 2020 and we regularly conduct events for all of us to learn more.

I love books, music, YouTube and Bird Watching.

Feel free to get in touch with me!

View my résumé


Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Inc.
Field Applications Engineer
Jan 2024 - present
Austin, TX, USA (In-person)


Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Inc.
Field Applications Engineering Intern
May 2023 - Aug 2023
Austin, TX, USA (In-person)
NanoNet Technologies Inc.
Software Intern
Aug 2021 - Nov 2021
GRT Global Logistics Pvt. Ltd.
Software Testing Intern
Dec 2019
Mumbai, India (In-person)


Git Graph
Git Graph

A web app to visualize the graphs that Git creates to connect Commit, Tree and Blob objects internally.

Takes an existing repository to generate graph visualizations for local branches and allows highlighting specific commits.

React.js, GitHub Pages
Parse ELF
Parse ELF

A 64-bit Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) file parser in C.

ELF is the primary file format of executable files on Linux.

This utility parses and prints the ELF (File) Header, the Section Headers, the Segment (Program) Headers and the dynamic dependencies in any 64-bit ELF file.

Used as a part of my talk on ELF files.

HPS Gems
MAC and IP Routing

A demonstration to illustrate how IP and MAC addresses work together to route packets.

Analyzing the MAC and IP packets in a network of clients and routers to understand how a machine can reach the other.

Used as a part of my talk on MAC and IP routing.

Docker, Bash
Performance Comparison of TCP Versions
Performance Comparison of TCP Versions

Compared Congestion Window size responses of TCP Reno, TCP CUBIC, TCP Vegas and TCP BBR to network congestion.

Compared the fairness of two TCP versions running simultaneously on the same connection.

GENI, Bash, R
Git Internals
Git Internals

A PWA documenting and explaining the internals of Git.

Explains the contents of the .git directory and the connections between Commit, Tree and Blob objects.

Asciidoctor Jet, GitHub Pages
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Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) Files on Linux
Git Internals - How Does Git Work!?
View All Talks


Some written work from my various documentation sites:

Our Tech Community

Our Tech Community (OTC) is a Tech-loving open-to-all community that I started in January 2020. We are now a community of over 500 members.

We conduct regular online and in-person events for all of us to learn more from each other! We have conducted over 200 online events, several talks and workshops, over four in-person meetups with more than 70 attendees each and several other collaborations. More details can be found in OTC's four year roundup.

Explore our events and join us!

OTC CatchUp Google Meet screenshot
OTC CatchUp

Weekly open-to-all online sessions to discuss various technologies and showcase projects. We have held over 200 sessions. Join in!

OTC MeetUp group picture
OTC MeetUp

In-person meet ups to hold technical talks, meet new people and have good conversations!

OTC Talks Google Meet screenshot
OTC Talks

A series of talks on Tech-related topics.